Brandon Lucas


Brandon Lucas

About Brandon

Brandon has 15 years of experience in tourism consulting with major expertise in strategic planning and tourism development. Prior to becoming a principal in ConsultingPress, Brandon worked in Trucking Ltd governing tourism transfers for global vacation home rentals companies. Brandon joined ConsultingPress in 2004.

Brandon has a wide range of expertise in tourism development and marketing. He has been working on international projects where he conducted destination assessment, tourism strategic planning, destination management, workforce development and tourism impacts measurement.

Brandon is sustainable tourism enthusiastic, helping local businesses recognise value of sustainable tourism, it’s positive impact on local and global economy while in the same time conserving nature and cultural heritage.

Education & Experience

  • 2000 - MBA Tourism Marketing London, UK

  • 2002 - 2004 Solis Travel Ltd, Tourism marketing specialist

  • 2005 - ConsultingPress Tourism Consulting


  • Tourism marketing

  • Destination Assesment

  • Tourism strategic planning

  • Destination Management

  • Workforce development

  • Destination promotion

  • Tourism Impacts Measurment